Swantiki 2019

Swantiki 2019

Our rafts withstood the trials of Swantiki River! We rescued the Sea Scouts, which was embarrassing for them, but great for us! swantiki14 swantiki13 swantiki12 swantiki11 swantiki10 swantiki9 swantiki8 swantiki7 swantiki6 swantiki5 swantiki4 swantiki3 swantiki2...
Hiking in the Darlington Ranges

Hiking in the Darlington Ranges

Last weekend, Saturday 29 September to Monday 1 October, an intrepid group of Kinross Scouts set out on a three day hike.  Carrying their packs, with their own food and sleeping gear, this great group of young people and adult leaders hiked over 30 kms in the...

Nighthawk 2018

A freezing night in the hills south of Perth for a huge turnout of WA Scouts, but all made it home safely!  Great team work.