Community & the environment

Kinross Scout Group is committed to helping our community and the environment

What’s happening

Follow our Community & Environment blog to find out see what Kinross Scouts have been doing…

Pantry packs for CARAD – Delivered

Pantry packs for CARAD – Delivered

This morning, some of our Venturers took the pantry pack donations to CARAD’s office in Perth. Thank you so much to everyone who donated: Kinross Scout families, Kinross community, the NTEU Refugee Interest Group, ECU Branch, and...

Collection for charity

Collection for charity

Hi Jesse here - just letting you all know, as you are likely aware, that Kinross Venturer Scouts are collecting items for refugees through CARAD. ITEMS REQUESTED:• Laundry liquid• Dishwashing liquid• Toilet paper• Tissues• Spray deodorant• Baby wipes• Shampoo and...

Venturers at Rottovent

Venturers at Rottovent

Kinross Venturers join Venturers from around WA this weekend for Rottovent - an annual event where Venturers work on an environmental project with the Rottnest Island Authority.

Get in touch


McNaughton Hall

McNaughton Cres.

Kinross WA 6028
